Enhance Networking Opportunities With Matchmaking
Help your event participants create more value by suggesting meetings that are best suited to their needs.
2 reasons to choose Eventmaker
Collect Specific Information About Your Attendees
Eventmaker uses two types of data to generate the best meeting suggestions: behavioral and declarative data.
Behavioral data is based on your attendees’ online behavior, such as when they receive your emails, register for events, visit your websites, attend conferences, or meet exhibitors.
Declarative data is the information your participants provide when they register.
Obtain a Score for Each Participant
We can generate a thematic score for each participant by combining their behavioral and declarative data. This score matches people with similar thematic scores and creates qualified meetings. Participants will receive suggestions to contact other participants with similar interests.
Why Choose Eventmaker’s Matchmaking Feature?
Customize matchmaking criteria to suit your event
Matchmaking based on declarative and behavioral data
Reliable and customizable thematic scoring
Assistance from project managers to set up your matchmaking system
Our Features
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