Event Reception Management

Ensuring a positive and safe experience for all participants at your events requires streamlining and controlling the reception.
To achieve this, it’s important to establish an efficient registration system and provide adequate resources for check-in. These steps will guarantee a successful reception.

4 reasons to choose Eventmaker

Measure Your Attendees’ Presence in Real Time

It’s advisable to have check-ins at the reception desk and conference entrance to gain insight into how attendees perceive your event. You can use this information to tailor your content better to suit the preferences and requirements of your target audience, resulting in a more captivating and interactive experience for all.

A Time-Saving Application

Our access control application uses QR codes on attendees’ badges. With the ability to scan up to 1,000 people per hour per device, it can handle even the most demanding events. You can easily monitor attendance in real time, giving you an accurate count of visitors who have entered the event.

Manage All Types of Badges

Your badges can be customized and automatically generated based on the template you define for each participant category, regardless of the media format. Our application can read QR codes on both electronic and printed media.

Offer Your Guests a Personalized Reception

Personalize the reception of your guests by using SMS greetings, displaying instructions for the host during check-in, or collecting signatures on iPads. Additionally, you can set up notifications for the organizing team when a key person is scanned.

Why manage your check-ins with Eventmaker ?


Scan or moderation solution


Customizable badges with QR codes


On-site guidance from our experts


Follow-up your participants in real time

Our features


Scan App


Badges & QR Codes

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